Tools and Utilities
Learn about e-commerce/e-business and logistics issues, with the following free hands-on tools and utilities:

⊗  E-commerce security

lock Symmetric Encryption - A simple free hands-on utility that enables symmetric encryption and decryption of short messages.
lock ASymmetric Encryption - learn about the process of asymmetric encryption and decryption, by using this free and simple hands-on utility.
signature Digital signature and hash - What is a digital signature? hash function? learn about this process and produce hash messages.

⊗  Prediction utilities

numbers Weighted Linear Regression - A free hands-on utility that enables generating a weighted linear regression.
sum Simple Moving Average - Generate a forecast using the moving average technique and get a recommendation.
forecast Exponential Smoothing - Generate a forecast with the exponential smoothing technique and get a recommendation for the best alpha.

⊗  Barcode

BarCode Multiple barcodes generator A free multiple types barcode generator. Choose the size, type, position, and even colors.
EAN-13 Barcode Generator EAN-13 Barcode generator A free EAN-13 barcode generator, with detailed explanations.

⊗  Charting tools

barChart Charts generator - A free online charting tool: draw pie charts, bar charts, and line graphs.
Tree Tree generator - A free easy to use online tree builder.