Asymmetric Encryption

In symmetric encryption, both the sender and the recipient must know the key that encrypts and decrypts the message.
In asymmetric encryption (also known as public-key cryptography), a related pair of keys is used: a public key is used to encrypt and the private key is used to decrypt. The owner of the keys publishes the public key for encrypting, and only he can decipher the message using his private key. A popular asymmetric algorithm is RSA, which is widely used in electronic commerce protocols. In this following encryption the RSA algorithm is used.
Read more in the article "Securing Electronic Commerce".

Encrypt/decipher a message: hands-on

RSA Encryption Demo

1. First you have to create the keys. Here is a demo of a Private key , and a demo of a Public key

2. In order to encode a message, load the public key by pressing ‘Load Key’ button. Then, type your message (up to 50 characters) in the text-box and press the ‘Encrypt’ button next to it. The ciphered text will appear in the text-box below.

3. In order to decrypt a message, load your private key by pressing ‘Load Key’ button and press the ‘Decrypt’ button for revealing the deciphered text, which will be shown in the text-box below.
